The Jump to search Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) is a measure of the number of neutrophil granulocytes present in the blood. Neutrophil granulocytes are also known as polys, granulocytes, polymorphonuclear cells, PMN's, segmented neutrophils or segs. The Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) is part of a larger blood panel called the complete blood count.
ANC = (cells/mm3) |
Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) is calculated from measurements of the total number of white blood cells (WBC) based on the combined percentage of mature neutrophils and bands, which are immature neutrophils.
This ANC Calculator uses the following forumla:
ANC | = | ( CN + CB ) x Total WBC | |
100 |
TheAbsolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) Calculator uses the cells per microliter of blood unit. This is abbreviated to cells/µL. Please note that a microliter is equal to one cubic millimeter as 1 million cubic millimeters are equal to one liter.
The Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) refers to the measure of the number of neutrophil granulocytes present in the blood. Neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, play an integral part in the body's immune system as they are the body's primary defense against infection, particularly bacterial infections. As such, the ANC has emerged as a crucial indicator of immune system health. In this article, we will delve into the calculation and importance of ANC, its applications in various fields, and acknowledge the contributions of those who have made significant strides in this area.
Interestingly, neutrophils account for about 50-70% of all white blood cells in the human body. They are the most common type of white blood cells and are the first to arrive at the site of an infection. The ANC value can significantly change within hours, which demonstrates how responsive the immune system is to infections or other conditions.
The ANC is typically calculated using the following formula:
ANC = (Percentage of neutrophils + percentage of bands) × Total white blood cell count (WBC) / 100
The concept and calculation of ANC is relevant not only in clinical medicine but also in areas such as medical research, pharmaceutical testing, and health risk assessment. In clinical medicine, it's used to diagnose and monitor conditions such as neutropenia or leukopenia, which involve a decrease in the number of white blood cells. It's also utilized in monitoring the response to chemotherapy in cancer patients. In pharmaceutical testing, ANC is vital in drug efficacy studies, particularly for drugs that affect the immune system. In health risk assessment, ANC can be used as an indicator of a person's susceptibility to infectious diseases.
For example, a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy may have their ANC regularly monitored. If the ANC falls below a certain threshold (typically less than 1,500 cells per microliter), this indicates neutropenia, meaning the patient is at a higher risk of infection. This information can guide healthcare professionals in adjusting the chemotherapy dosage or scheduling, prescribing antibiotics, or even hospitalizing the patient for close monitoring.
One significant contributor to our understanding of ANC is Dr. Robert I. Handin, who has conducted extensive research on blood cells and their disorders. His pioneering work in hematology has illuminated the functions and behaviors of white blood cells like neutrophils, advancing our knowledge and ability to interpret ANC results.
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Please note that the Absolute Neutrophil Count Calculator is provided for your personal use and designed to provide information and information relating to the calculations only. The Absolute Neutrophil Count Calculator should not be used for you to self-diagnose conditions, self-medicate or alter any existing medication that you are currently prescribed by your Doctor. If the Absolute Neutrophil Count Calculator produces a calculation which causes you concern, please consult your Doctor for support, advice and further information.